6th International Nitrogen Conference (N2013): ”Just Enough N: Perspectives on how to get there for “too much” and "too little" Regions”

For the 6th International Nitrogen Conference (N2013), hosted by both Makerere University and IITA from 28th Nov to Dec 2013, in Kampala, Uganda (link http://www.n2013.org/) N2Africa will sponsor a number of selected participants that will present a paper or poster on N2Africa work

Prem and COMPRO

I was in a plane when Prem called confirming that the second phase of the COMPRO project (‘Institutionalization of quality assurance mechanism and dissemination of top quality commercial products to increase crop yields and improve food security of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa – COMPRO-II’) had been approved. I was again in a plane when Prem called to inform that he was leaving the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Excellent and depressing news and all that before the respective flights took off!

Scientific seminar to discuss and present the outcomes of Phase I of N2Africa

We are pleased to announce a scientific seminar to discuss and present the outcomes of the first four years of N2Africa. The event will take place in Nairobi from 28 to 30 of October 2013. Invitees include the N2Africa steering committee, our major partners and other stakeholders in the project representating all the N2Africa countries, from the scientific and development community as well as government representatives. The first two days will be spent sharing experiences among N2Africa partners.