N2Africa launch Ethiopia

The N2Africa project was officially launched in Addis Ababa on 27-28 Feb 2014. The launch was held in a tent due to ongoing refurbishment on ILRI’s conference facilities. The tent lent an informal atmosphere to the meeting and encouraged strong engagement by around 70 participants from across Ethiopia and from other N2Africa countries.

Brief story of N2Africa Phase II launch in Nigeria

March 7 2014 was a memorable date for IITA Kano station and Nigeria legume farmers. N2Africa Phase II was launched in Kano city. The benefit of Phase I of the project were; farmers are convinced about yield enhancement effect the use of rhizobium inoculant in soya bean production in Nigeria and are ready to adopt the practice as a practicable way of generating more income. Luckily, Nigeria has been designated as one of the core countries in Phase II.

Policy recommendation related to inoculant regulation and cross border trade

Submitted by charlotte.schilt on

Report voor Milestones 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 In this milestone report we review the status of the production of inoculants in the initial eight participating countries in the N2Africa project and the cross border trade between them, as well as the regulations that governs trade in these products. We conclude with policy recommendations for improving availability of quality inoculants to smallholder farmers in the respective countries. Milestone 3.5.1 is formulated as ”At least 3 policy briefs related to legume and inoculant regulation and cross border trade produced per impact zone”.