Member for
14 yearsLinus Franke joined the Plant Production Systems group of Wageningen University in 2010. He has extensive experience with farming systems, agronomy, soil fertility, agricultural development as well as a range of modelling and statistical techniques through his work for Wageningen University, for the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) in the U.K. and for the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in West Africa. In the N2Africa project Linus uses a combination of biophysical and socio-economic field data and modelling techniques to conduct ex-ante assessments to target legume technologies and to predict development pathways in African farming systems. Moreover, he contributes to the monitoring and evaluation of the adoption of legumes by farmers during the project. Linus obtained an MSc in Biology from Wageningen University and a PhD degree in Agronomy from Glasgow University in the UK.