Peer-reviewed articles and PhD theses

Title Author(s) Publisher Year File Link
Which options fit best? Operationalizing the socio-ecological niche concept Descheemaeker, K., Ronner, E., Ollenburger, M., Franke, A.C., Klapwijk, C.J., Falconnier, G.N., Wichern, J., Giller, K.E. Experimental Agriculture, Volume 55 (S1), 169-190 2019
Current and potential role of grain legumes on protein and micronutrient adequacy of the diet of rural Ghanaian infants and young children: Using linear programming De Jager, I., Borgonjen-Van Den Berg, K.J., Giller, K.E., Brouwer, I.D. Nutrition Journal, 18(1):12 2019
From best fit technologies to best fit scaling: incorporating and evaluating factors affecting the adoption of grain legumes in Sub-Saharan Africa Farrow, A., Ronner, E., Van Den Brand, G.J., Boahen, S.K., Leonardo, W., Wolde-Meskel, E., Adhjei-Nsiah, S., Chikowo, R., Baijukya, F., Ebanyat, P., Sangodele, E.A., Sanginga, J.-M., Kantengwa, S., Phiphira, L., Woomer, P., Ampadu-Boakye, T., Baars, E., K Experimental Agriculture, 55(S1), 226-251 2019
Influence of P sources and rhizobium inoculation on growth and yield of soybean genotypes on Ferric Lixisols of Northern Guinea savanna zone of Ghana Adjei-Nsiah, S., Kumah, J.F., Owusu-Bennoah, E., Kanampiu, F. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Volume 50 (7), 853-868 2019
Inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer improve food-feed traits of grain legumes in mixed crop-livestock systems of Ethiopia Sisay Belete, Melkamu Bezabih,āŽ, Birhan Abdulkadir, Adugna Tolera, Kindu Mekonnen, Endalkachew Wolde-meskel Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 279, 58ā€“64 2019
Co-design of improved climbing bean production practices for smallholderfarmers in the highlands of Uganda Ronner, E., Descheemaeker, K., Almekinders, C., Ebanyat, P., Giller, K.E. Agricultural Systems, 175, 1-12 2019
Poor farmers - poor yields: socio-economic, soil fertility and crop management indicators affecting climbing bean productivity in northern Rwanda Franke, A. C.; Baijukya, F.; Kantengwa, S.; Reckling, M.; Vanlauwe, B.; Giller, K. E. Experimental Agriculture, 55 (S1), 14-34 2019
Draft genome sequence of Agrobacterium deltaense strain CNPSo 3391, isolated from a soybean nodule in Mozambique Scherer A.J., Delamuta J.R.M., Ribeiro R.A., Chibeba A.M., Kyei-Boahen S., Nogueira M.A., Hungria M. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8 (10), 1ā€“2 2019
Harvesting Nutrition - grain legumes and nutritious diets in sub-Saharan Africa Ilse de Jager Wageningen University 2019
Enhancing biological nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean and common bean in smallholder farming systems of Rwanda Edouard Rurangwa Wageningen University 2019
Additive yield response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer across smallholder farms in Ethiopia Wolde-meskel, E., van Heerwaarden, J., Abdulkadir, B., Kassa, S., Aliyi, I., Degefu, T., Wakweya, K., Kanampiu, F., Giller, K.E. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 261, 144-152 2018
Farmers' use and adaptation of improved climbing bean production practices in the highlands of Uganda Ronner, E., Descheemaeker, K., Almekinders, C.J.M., Ebanyat, P., Giller, K.E. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 261, 186-200. 2018
From Targeting to Tailoring - Baskets of options for legume cultivation among African smallholders Esther Ronner Wageningen University 2018
How do climbing beans fit in farming systems of the eastern highlands of Uganda? Understanding opportunities and constraints at farm level Ronner, E., Descheemaeker, K., Marinus, W., Almekinders, C.J.M., Ebanyat, P., Giller, K.E. Agricultural Systems, 165, 97ā€“110 2018
Exploring farmers' intentions to adopt mobile Short Message Service (SMS) for citizen science in agriculture Beza, E., Reidsma, P., Poortvliet, P.M., Belay, M.M., Bijen, B.S., Kooistra, L. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 151, 295ā€“310 2018
Variations in seed and post-harvest residue yields and residues quality of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a ruminant feedstuff. Dejene, M., Dixon, M.B., Duncan, A.J., Wolde-meskel, E., Walsh, K.B., McNeille, D. Elsevier, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 244, 42-55 2018
Options for improving the yield and nutritive value of maize and grain legume residues for ruminants in East African farming systems Mesfin Dejene Ejigu The University of Queensland, Australia 2018
Response of Grain Legumes to Phosphorus Application in the Guinea Savanna Agro-Ecological Zones of Ghana Adjei-Nsiah, S., Alabi, B.U., Ahiakpa, J.K., Kanampiu, F. Agronomy journal,110 (3), 1089-1096 2018
Legumeā€“maize rotation or relay? Options for ecological intensification of smallholder farms in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana Kermah, M., Franke, A.C., Ahiabor, B. D. K., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Abaidoo, R. C., Giller, K. E. Experimental Agriculture 55 (5), 673-691 2018
Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to nitrogen, phosphorus and rhizobia inoculation across variable soils in Zimbabwe Chekanai, V., Chikowo, R., Vanlauwe, B. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 266, 167ā€“173 2018
Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation and Productivity of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Varieties as Influenced by Rhizobial Inoculation and Phosphorus Application on Farmersā€™ Fields in Minna, Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria Adediran, O.A., Osunde, A. O., Bala, A., Dianda, M., Ibrahim, H., Olufajo, O. O. and Oladiran, J. A. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal, 14(2), 131-139 2018
Intermediate Maturing Soybean Produce Multiple Benefits at 1:2 Maize:Soybean Planting Density Simbine, Margarida G,, Baijukya, Frederick P., Onwonga, Richard, N. Journal of Agricultural Science, 10 (9) 2018
The devil is in the detail! Sustainability assessment of Africa smallholder farming Marinus, W., Ronner, E., van de Ven, G. W. J., Kanampiu, F., Adjei-Nsiah, S. & Giller, K. E., Book chapter 28 in Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, S.Bell and S. Morse (eds.), 427-450 2018
Polyphasic characterization of rhizobia microsymbionts of common bean [Phaseolus vulgaris (L.)] isolated in Mato Grosso do Sul, a hotspot of Brazilian biodiversity Costa M.R., Chibeba A.M., Mercante F.M., Hungria M. Symbiosis, 74 (2), 163ā€“176 2018
Participatory approaches to diversification and intensification of crop production on smallholder farms in Malawi Daniel van Vugt Wageningen University 2018
N2-fixation and N contribution by grain legumes under different soil fertility status and cropping systems in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana Kermah, M., Franke, A.C., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Ahiabor, B.D.K., Abaidoo, R.C., Giller K.E. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 361, 201-210 2018
Feasibility of transference of inoculation-related technologies: A case study of evaluation of soybean rhizobial strains under the agro-climatic conditions of Brazil and Mozambique Chibeba, A.M., Kyei-Boahen, S., de FĆ”tima GuimarĆ£esa, M., Nogueira, M.A., Hungria, M. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 261, 230-240 2018
Sustainable intensification through rotations with grain legumes in Sub- Saharan Africa: A review Franke, A.C., Van den Brand, G. K., Vanlauwe, B., Giller, K. E. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 172-185 2018
Soyabean response to rhizobium inoculation across sub-Saharan Africa: Patterns of variation and the role of promiscuity Heerwaarden, J. van, Baijukya, F., Kyei-Boahen, S., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Ebanyat, P., Kamai, N., Wolde-Meskel, E., Kanampiu, F., Vanlauwe, B., Giller, K. E. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 211-218 2018
Understanding variability in the benefits of N2-fixation in soybean-maize rotations on smallholder farmersā€™ fields in Malawi Vugt, D. van, Franke, A. C., Giller, K. E. Elsevier: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 241-250 2018
Benefits of inoculation, P fertilizer and manure on yields of common bean and soybean also increase yield of subsequent maize Rurangwa, E., Vanlauwe, B, Giller, K.E. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 261, 219-229 2018
Grain legume cultivation and childrenā€™s dietary diversity in smallholder farming households in rural Ghana and Kenya Jager, I de, Abizari, A.R., Douma, J.C., Giller, K.E., Brouwer, I.D. Food Security, 9 (5), 1053ā€“1071 2017
Citizen science and remote sensing for crop yield gap analysis Eskender Andualem Beza Wageningen University 2017
Phenotyping and yield stability studies in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) under rhizobia inoculation in the savanna region of Nigeria Kehinde Dele Tolorunse Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria 2017 Tolorunse_PhD Thesis.pdf (1.65 MB)
Effectiveness of rhizobia strains isolated from South Kivu soils (Eastern D.R. Congo) on nodulation and growth of soybeans (Glycine max) Ndusha, B.N., Karanja, N.K., Woomer, P.L., Walangululu, J., Mushagalusa, G.N. and Sanginga, J.M. African Journal of Soil Science, 5 (3), 367-377 2017
Characterization of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from Phaseolus vulgaris L. in Kenya Mwenda, G. Murdoch University 2017 Mwenda PhD Thesis 2017.pdf (6.1 MB)
Maize-grain legume intercropping for enhanced resource use efficiency and crop productivity in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana. Kermah, M., Franke, A.C., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Ahiabor, B.D.K., Abaidoo, R.C., Giller, K.E. Field Crops Research, 213, 38-50 2017
Isolation, characterization and selection of indigenous Bradyrhizobium strains with outstanding symbiotic performance to increase soybean yields in Mozambique Chibeba, A.M., Kyei-Boahen, S., de FĆ”tima GuimarĆ£esa, M., Nogueira, M.A., Hungria, M. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 246, 291ā€“305 2017
Characterization of rhizobia isolated from soybean in Mozambique and strategies to maximize the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation Amaral Machaculeha Chibeba Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Brazil 2016
Understanding variability in soybean yield and response to P-fertilizer and rhizobium inoculants on farmers' fields in northern Nigeria Ronner E., Franke, A.C., Vanlauwe, B., Dianda, M., Edeh, E., Ukem, B., van Heerwaarden, J., Giller, K.E. Field Crops Research, 186, 133-145 2016
Characterization of small-scale farming systems in West Kenya and opportunities for their improvement Woomer, P.L., Savala, C.N., Kaleha, C. and Chamwada, M. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(4), 109-120 2016
Competitiveness of smallholder legume production in South Kivu region, Democratic Republic of Congo FidĆØle B. B., Eric K. B., Njehia B. K., de Wolf J. and Karani-Gichimu C. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(26), 2562-2567 2015
Nutrients Limiting Soybean (glycine max l) Growth in Acrisols and Ferralsols of Western Kenya Keino, L., Baijukya, F., Ng'etich, W., Otinga, A. N., Okalebo, J. R., Njoroge, R., Mulalama, J. PLOS one 2015
Co-Inoculation of Soybean with Bradyrhizobium and Azospirillum Promotes Early Nodulation Chibeba, A.M., de FĆ”tima GuimarĆ£es, M., Brito, O.R., Nogueira, M.A., Araujo, R.S. and Hungria, M. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, 1641-1649 2015
Mitigating mid-season drought effect in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) in Western Kenya Omondi, J.O., Mungai, N, W., Ouma, J.P., Baijukya, F.P. Legume Research, 38 (4), 477-483 2015
Impact Assessment of Improved Cowpea Varieties on Women Farmers in Southern Borno State, Nigeria Binta Ali Zongoma University of Maiduguri, Nigeria 2015 Zongoma D Phil Thesis.pdf (663.09 KB)
Shelf-life of legume inoculants in different carrier materials available in East Africa Balume, I.K., Keya, O., Karanja, N.K. and Woomer, P.L. African Crop Science Journal, 23 (4), 379 - 385 2015
Effect of tillage on biological nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) varieties Okoth J.O., Mungai N.W., Ouma J.P., Baijukya F.P. Australian journal of Crop Sciences 8(8), 1140-1146 2014
Poor farmers ā€“ poor yields: socio-economic, soil fertility and crop management indicators affecting climbing bean productivity in northern Rwanda Franke, A.C., Baijukya, F., Kantengwa, S., Reckling, M., Vanlauwe, B., Giller, K.E. Experimental Agriculture, 55 (S1), 14-34 2014
Adoption Domains for Legume Cultivation - Ethiopia Farrow, A. and E. Wolde-meskel eATLAS of African Agriculture Research & Development 2014
Identifying elite rhizobia for soybean (Glycine max) in Kenya Waswa, M. N., Karanja N. K., Woomer, P. L. and Mwenda, G. M. African Journal of Crop Science, 2 (2), 060-066, 2014
First Report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Soybean Causing Rust in Tanzania Murithi, H. M., Beed, F., Madata C., Haudenshield, J., Hartman, G. Plant Disease, 98(11), 1586 2014 PDIS-06-14-0601-PDN Murithi.pdf (500.62 KB)
Smallholder farmersā€™ use and profitability of legume inoculants in western Kenya S.P. Mutuma, J.J. Okello, N.K. Karanja and P.L. Woomer African Crop Science Journal, 22 (3), 205 - 213 2014 Paper_and (152.22 KB)
Which farmers benefit most from sustainable intensification? An ex-ante impact assessment of expanding grain legume production in Malawi Franke, A.C., van den Brand, G.J., Giller, K.E. European Journal of Agronomy, 58, 28-38. 2014
N2Africa. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa Giller, K.E., Franke, A.C., Abaidoo, R., Baijukya, F., Bala, A., Boahen, S., Dashiell, K., Kantengwa, S., Sanginga, J.M., Sanginga, N., Simmons, A., Turner, A.D., De Wolf, J., Woomer, P.L. and Vanlauwe, B. Book chapter: Vanlauwe, B., Van Asten, P., and Blomme, G. (Eds.), Agro-ecological intensification of agricultural systems in the African highlands. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 156-175. 2013