Building address
Dept. Plant Production Systems
Bornsesteeg 48,
6708 PE Wageningen 
Postal address
Dept. Plant Production Systems
P.O. Box 430,
6700 AK Wageningen
Tel.: 0031 317 482141


BSc en agronomie (BSC Agronomy)




Jean-Marie Sanginga


Date of Birth

December 27th, 1960

Date of Death

Jean-Marie continued his work in DR Congo throughout Phase II (2014-2017) as Country Coordinator of the N2Africa Project after his excellent performance during Phase I (2009-2013). We built a lot on the solid foundation that had been laid during the first phase of the project; this helped us to avoid mistakes.
My first time to land in South Kivu Province of DRC was March 2010 when I had just taken up the role of Country Coordinator for the N2Africa Project. At this time when this region was recovering from the 2005-2008 civil wars, with restrictions to work in rural areas.

Dear N2Africa colleagues, friends and supporters,

With deep regret we write to inform you that Jean-Marie Sanginga passed away. Jean-Marie was part of N2Africa from the very start and played a key role in all of our activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We’re sure that all of you who had the privilege to meet Jean-Marie have your own thoughts and memories - he was an open, warmhearted, loyal and very trustworthy colleague.

Although the funding for N2Africa ended in June 2019 we are still busy with reports, impact studies and scientific papers

N2Africa has gathered and monitored a lot of information about the impact of its work. However, the diversity of N2Africa’s interventions, their dynamism, and the widely different contexts where these have been implemented, make it tricky to derive strong inferences about the project’s impacts from suvey-based impact evaluations.