Although the funding for N2Africa ended in June 2019 we are still busy with reports, impact studies and scientific papers. In November, the IITA N2Africa team received an award from the Board of Trustees of IITA, the Award for Excellence for Outstanding Team in 2019, recognising the excellent work done over the past ten years to promote nitrogen fixing grain legumes in Africa. Congratulations to our colleagues for this important recognition. | ![]() IITA DG Dr Sanginga presenting the Board of Trustees Excellence for Outstanding Team Award to Freddy Baijukya, Bernard Vanlauwe and Nkeki Kamai, with Hilde Koper, Master of Ceremonies |
December saw the publication of two important publications. First, the study conducted by Giel Ton and Dominic Glover of the Institute of Development Studies on N2Africa activities in Ghana and Ethiopia. Giel and Dominic use a method known as Contribution Analysis through which they could assess the role that N2Africa had played in promoting technologies through two case studies. Their results are summarised in this Podcaster.
Second we published “The Story of N2Africa” in three ways; as an online magazine with many videos, as a hard copy book and as an ebook that can be read online. We have been delighted by the responses we have received to the book and magazine which allow us to provide a much more complete picture of everything the N2Africa partnerships achieved. |
![]() Professor Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus of Wageningen University inspecting a copy of “The Story of N2Africa” presented to him by Ken Giller |
We also provide a summary and links to two policy reports which were led by Ferko Bodnar along with the N2Africa country teams in Ethiopia and Tanzania. We are following up on these policy processes that seem to be gaining some traction in each country. In addition we have two PhD reports – one from Jenneh Bebeley of Bayero Univeristy in Kano, Nigeria and one from Margarida Simbine who recently completed her PhD with Felix Dakora of Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa. Margarida is well known to some of us as she conducted her MSc studies in the first phase of N2Africa in Kenya with Freddy Baijukya. We have one short early report of some results on farm size estimation from the N2Africa Impact Study – we’ll provide a detailed discussion of the findings later in the year.
Ken Giller