Theory of change and planning workshop held for Uganda Partners

A national planning workshop for the N2Africa project in Uganda was conducted from 27th to 30th January 2015 at Kabira Country Club in Kampala. The purpose of the workshop was twofold; to build a common understanding of the vision of the N2Africa project and the logic underpinning of the project action, and to develop a national work plan for the second year.

N2Africa-Ethiopia Conducted Gender Training Workshop with the aim of Mainstreaming Gender into Legume Value Chain

N2Africa Ethiopia national team in collaboration with Project Gender Specialist and the Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS), conducted gender training workshop during 15-18 December, 2014 at ILRI Addis Campus. The trainees were drawn from agronomy, soil sciences, plant breeding and socioeconomics and research extension departments of the NARS partners.

MSc research in Kapchorwa district Uganda

"Who is that white man with his walking stick and that little guy?" farmers started asking other farmers. I climbed many hills (I tried to do this as well with a bunch of banana on my head: nearly impossible), sloped down slippery hills on rubber boots and did this all together with my soil probe and my (female) translator. It was an unforgettable rich experience and I want to thank the project and the Ugandan farmers and people for that!

Co-design of improved climbing bean technologies in Uganda and Tanzania

The 2015A rainy season is rapidly approaching in Uganda and northern Tanzania. For my PhD research on climbing beans in the highlands of these two countries, we have organized a number of discussions with farmer groups (Figure 1). In these discussions we evaluated the different climbing bean technologies that were demonstrated last season, and the experiences of farmers who tested one of these technologies on their own field. We will use the feedback from these discussions to tailor technologies for the next season.

Certificate granted to N2Africa for its roles and partnership in “research and development”

In Ethiopia, N2Africa project activities are implemented in 27 Woredas (Districts) over four regions (Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, Oromia and Southern region) in partnership with national, international and private institutions and NGOs, thus promoting N2-fixation and legume production technologies among smallholder farmers. The project targeted four legume crops in Ethiopia (soybean, common bean, Faba bean and chickpea).

N2Africa won an award as outstanding nutrition-sensitive scaling agriculture project!

In 2012, The World Bank Group launched the SecureNutrition Platform to bridge knowledge gaps between agriculture, food security and nutrition. Together with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Save the children UK, the SecureNutrition Knowledge Platform’s 2013 Harvesting Nutrition contest was initiated to showcase projects that link agriculture, food security and nutrition and their challenges.

Cowpea-maize relay cropping. A method for sustainable agricultural intensification in northern Ghana?

Wytze Marinus did his MSc thesis research in Karaga district, part of the Northern Region and in Kassena Nankana district, Upper East Region, food insecure districts where considerable population growth rates will lead to increased demand for food production and higher pressure on agricultural lands.