Workshop and meeting reports

Code Date Title Country File
none 2014.02.09 Legume inoculant technology and quality control procedures: workshop report All core countries Legume inoculation workshop report AVivasMarfisi July 2013 Ibadan.pdf (6.25 MB)
D1410 2015.02.25 Report of the training for the Youth Agripreneurs in Borno State Nigeria IYA Training Workshop Report Oct 14 (3)-5.pdf (950.84 KB)
503 2014.04.13 Grain Legume Processing Workshop: Value Addition to Bean, Cowpea, Groundnut and Soybean by Small-Scale African Farmers Kenya Grain Legume Processing workshop March 2011_presentations-s.pdf (2.1 MB)
098 2017.03.27 OSSOM Launch and Planning Meeting for the West Kenya Long Rains 2017 Kenya N2Africa OSSOM Launch and Planning Meeting for the West Kenya Long Rains 2017.pdf (1.12 MB)
094 2016.07.31 The role of legumes in sustainable intensification – priority areas for research in western Kenya Kenya N2Africa PROIntensAfrica stakeholder meeting western Kenya.pdf (1.34 MB)
093 2016.07.31 The role of legumes in sustainable intensification – priority areas for research in northern Ghana Ghana N2Africa PROIntensAfrica stakeholder meeting northern Ghana.pdf (1.32 MB)
079 2015.09.27 N2Africa: Taking Stock and Moving Forward. Workshop report All core countries N2Africa taking stock and moving forward. Workshop report.pdf (1.41 MB)
070 2014.04.21 N2Africa Phase II Launch in Tanzania Tanzania N2Africa Phase II Launch in Tanzania.pdf (3.8 MB)
067 2014.03.02 N2Africa Phase II Launch report Uganda Uganda N2Africa Launch Report Uganda Phase II.pdf (1.22 MB)
065 2014.01.31 Special events on the role of legumes in household nutrition and value-added processing - December 2013 All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Special events on the role of legumes in household nutrition and value-added processing - December 2013.pdf (801.33 KB)
050 2013.02.25 Special Events on the Role of Legumes in Household Nutrition and Value Added Processing All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Special Events on the Role of Legumes in Household Nutrition and Value-Added Processing.pdf (1.05 MB)
048 2013.02.27 Opportunities for N2Africa in Tanzania Tanzania N2Africa_Opportunities for N2Africa in Tanzania.pdf (4.11 MB)
043 2012.09.02 N2Africa Review and Planning Meeting - Zimbabwe Zimbabwe N2Africa Review and Planning Meeting - Zimbabwe (1).pdf (1007.71 KB)
041 2012.06.26 Opportunities for N2Africa in Ethiopia Ethiopia N2Africa_Opportunities for N2Africa in Ethiopia.pdf (4.5 MB)
029 2017.05.02 Advanced technical skills in rhizobiology All countries N2Africa_Advanced technical skills in rhizobiology.pdf (617.22 KB)
011 2010.10.24 Advancing technical skills in rhizobiology: training report Kenya N2Africa_Training report Advancing Technical Skills in Rhizobiology.pdf (353.12 KB)
010 2010.11.24 Project launch and workshop report 18-22 January 2010, Nairobi Kenya Kenya N2Africa_Project launch and project report_0.pdf (476.63 KB)
005 2010.09.19 Workshop Report: Training of Master Trainers on Legume and Inoculant Technologies Kenya N2Africa_Workshop Report-Training of Master Trainers on Legume and Inoculant Technologies.pdf (473.81 KB)