Research results

Code Date Title Country File
D2304 2014.04.23 Understanding the trouble with N2fixation in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) All countries george VLS poster competition final_0.pdf (3.74 MB)
D1811 2019.05.27 Gender Analysis of Soybean Adoption and Impact Nigeria Gender Analysis of Soybean Adoption Impact_.pdf (1.23 MB)
D1810 2019.05.27 Cowpea Early Adoption Study Nigeria Cowpea Early Adoption Study.pdf (2.41 MB)
123 2019.10.21 Policy recommendations for the legume sector in Ethiopia Ethiopia ET policy report May 2019 final-2.pdf (722.72 KB)
122 2019.10.21 Policy recommendations for the legume sector in Tanzania Tanzania Tz policy report May 2019 final 2.pdf (674.95 KB)
121 2019.12.16 Improving Knowledge, Inputs and Markets for Legume Expansion: A Contribution Analysis of N2Africa in Ghana and Ethiopia All tier 1 countries IDS_Practice_Paper_10.pdf (703.86 KB)
119 2019.09.12 N2Africa in northern Ghana Ghana N2Africa in northern Ghana.pdf (4.29 MB)
118 2019.08.12 Responses to inoculation of Phaseolus beans on N2Africa trials in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda and Zimbabwe All countries N2Africa Inoculation responses Phaseolus.pdf (1.46 MB)
110 2019.02.19 Climbing bean x highland banana intercropping in the Ugandan highlands Uganda Climbing bean x highland banana intercropping in the Ugandan highlands.pdf (1.85 MB)
109 2019.02.27 Dissemination Approaches for Scaling Up Improved Legume Technologies in Tanzania Tanzania N2Africa Dissemination Survey Tanzania.pdf (1.94 MB)
108 2018.08.30 Stakeholder Consultations Report All core countries Stakeholder Consultations Report.pdf (871.12 KB)
107 2018.06.26 N2Africa Review of policies relating to legume intensification in N2Africa countries All countries Review Policies N2Africa countries-VS1.0.pdf (1.18 MB)
099 2017.12.19 Tailoring and adaptation in N2Africa demonstration trials All core countries Tailoring_and_adaptation_in_N2Africa_demonstration_trials_Dec_2017.pdf (900.04 KB)
096 2016.11.01 What role for legumes in sustainable intensification? – case studies in Western Kenya and Northern Ghana for PROIntensAfrica Ghana Legumes in sustainable intensification- case study report PROIntensAfrica.pdf (7.62 MB)
095 2016.08.14 N2Africa Early Impact Survey, Phase I All tier 1 countries N2Africa impact survey report-Phase I.pdf (2 MB)
092 2016.07.13 Tracing seed diffusion from introduced legume seeds through N2Africa demonstration trials and seed-input packages All countries Tracing seed diffusion from introduced legume seeds through N2Africa demonstration trials and seed-input packages.pdf (878.15 KB)
091 2016.08.21 N2Africa Early Impact Survey - Ghana Ghana N2Africa Early Impact Survey Ghana.pdf (1.49 MB)
090 2016.08.21 N2Africa Early Impact Survey - Rwanda Rwanda N2Africa Early Impact Survey Rwanda.pdf (1.49 MB)
088 2016.05.22 N2Africa Baseline Report II Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda All core countries N2Africa Baseline Report Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, version 2.1.pdf (3.1 MB)
087 2016.03.20 Assessment of contract sprayers in Borno State Nigeria N2Africa Assessment of contract sprayer, Borno State Nigeria-CropLife.pdf (5.27 MB)
083 2016.02.24 N2Africa Baseline Report Borno State Nigeria N2Africa Baseline Report Borno State_1.pdf (2.31 MB)
082 2016.02.24 N2Africa Value Chain Analysis of Grain Legumes in Borno State, Nigeria Nigeria N2Africa Value Chain Analysis of Grain Legumes in Borno State Nigeria _ withOUT names (2).pdf (1.51 MB)
076 2014.06.18 Managing factors that affect the adoption of grain legumes in Tanzania in the N2Africa project Tanzania N2Africa_Tanzania characterisation and stratification 19-6-2014.pdf (9.05 MB)
075 2014.06.18 Managing factors that affect the adoption of grain legumes in Ethiopia in the N2Africa project Ethiopia N2Africa Ethiopia characterisation and stratification 19-6-2014.pdf (6.31 MB)
074 2014.06.18 Managing factors that affect the adoption of grain legumes in Uganda in the N2Africa project Uganda N2Africa_Uganda characterisation and stratification 19-6-2014.pdf (6.21 MB)
072 2014.08.06 A report documenting the involvement of women in at least 50% of all farmer-related activities All countries N2Africa_Involvement of women in at least at least 50% of all farmer-related activities.pdf (1.61 MB)
068 2014.05.07 Review of conditioning factors and constraints to legume adoption, and their management in Phase II of N2Africa All core countries N2Africa_Review of conditioning factors and constraints to legume adoption and their management in Phase II of N2Africa.pdf (808.27 KB)
062 2014.02.09 Policy recommendation related to inoculant regulation and cross border trade All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Policy recommendation related to inoculant regulation and cross border trade.pdf (1014.6 KB)
057 2014.01.08 An N2Africa universal logo representing inoculant quality assurance All countries N2Africa universal logo representing inoculant quality assurance.pdf (903.63 KB)
056 2013.12.15 Identified soyabean, common bean, cowpea and groundnut varieties with high Biological Nitrogen Fixation potential identified in N2Africa impact zones All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Identified soyabean common bean cowpea and groundnut varieties with high Biological Nitrogen Fixation potential (1).pdf (827.75 KB)
055 2014.01.01 Market analysis of inoculant production and use All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Market Analysis of Inoculant Production and Use_0.pdf (1.16 MB)
053 2013.08.12 Nutritional benefits of legume consumption at household level in rural sub-Saharan Africa All countries N2Africa_Nutritional benefits of legume consumption at household level in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa.pdf (1.4 MB)
051 2013.07.15 Value chain analyses of grain legumes in N2Africa All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Value chain analyses of grain legumes in N2Africa.pdf (2.88 MB)
049 2013.06.30 Background information on agronomy, farming systems and ongoing projects on grain legumes in Ethiopia Ethiopia N2Africa_Characterization Ethiopia final (July 2013).pdf (2.71 MB)
047 2012.12.31 Background information on agronomy, farming systems and ongoing projects on grain legumes in Uganda Uganda N2Africa_Characterization Uganda.pdf (2.08 MB)
039 2012.05.06 Quantifying the impact of the N2Africa project on Biological Nitrogen Fixation All countries N2Africa_Quantifying the impact of the N2Africa project on Biological Nitrogen Fixation.pdf (583.39 KB)
032 2011.12.04 N2Africa Baseline Report All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Baseline report_0.pdf (1.46 MB)
017 2011.05.10 WOCAN report "Enhancing gender responsiveness in putting nitrogen to work for smallholder farmers in Africa (N2Africa) All countries WOCAN Gender report.pdf (900.32 KB)
013 2011.01.30 Production and use of Rhizobial inoculants in Africa All countries N2Africa_Production and use of rhizobial inoculants in Africa.pdf (290.4 KB)
012 2011.01.30 Characterisation of the impact zones and mandate areas in the N2Africa project All countries N2Africa_Characterisation of impact zones and mandate areas in the N2Africa project-reduced.pdf (2.62 MB)
009 2010.09.16 Selected soybean, common bean, cowpea and groundnut varieties with proven high BNF potential and sufficient seed availability in target impact zones of N2Africa Project All countries N2Africa_Sel. soybeans common beans cowpeas groundnuts varieties with proven high BNF potential, sufficient seed availability in target impact zones N2Africa.pdf (294.87 KB)