Introduction |
Introduction to N2Africa Podcaster no 9
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Major players of grain legume value chain in Nigeria identified |
Dr Joseph Rusike, the N2Africa value chain specialist was in Nigeria 17th-30th July to conduct a rapid rural appraisal for legume value chain in the country. During this period, Dr Rusike met and interacted with a wide range of stakeholders in the country’s legume value chain.
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Progress in soyabean marketing by N2Africa in Kenya |
Mapping the market for soyabean, making sure soyabean seed is available, designing marketing models.
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Linking farmers to markets: Experiences from groundnuts farmers in Mudzi district, Zimbabwe |
Change in marketing position for the smallholder farmers in the Mudzi district that participate in the N2Africa project. |
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Putting Nitrogen Fixation to Work for Smallholder Farmers in Africa: Rapid Appraisal Value Chain Surveys in Rwanda and South Kivu, DRC |
Article describing the following issues:
Introduction about the surveys carried out;
Role of the target grain legumes in smallholder farmers’ strategies for incomes, food security, nutrition, sustainable natural resource management (NRM) and gender equity;
Production by geographical area;
Opportunities for grain legume-led growth.
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Rural farmers display value added products at Processed Products Fair, Harare, Zimbabwe |
N2Africa partners and other NGOs organized (and participated in) the fair and facilitated lunches which included traditional and new products. Aim is a.o. to influence consumption patterns, to combat malnutrition and to raise awareness of the need to eat healthy foods. Good preservation of the crop without loss of nutrients resulting from direct sun bleaching was also an issue in this fair, as was promotion of marketing of agricultural produce.
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La diffusion des variétés améliorées pour l’amélioration des condition de vie des agriculteurs au Sud Kivu |
Photo article in French (with translation): The distribution of improved varieties for raising the standard of living of farmers in Sud Kivu. |
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N2Africa participates in the eighth National Agriculture Fair |
At the fair with the theme 'Value Addition for Increased Economic Returns’ N2Africa showed food, plants and booklets. The second day, farmers could learn more about availability of different soyabean varieties, and preparation of grain legume foods.
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Promoting market linkages between N2Africa farmers and legume buyers in Malawi |
Improvement of farmer-market linkages has been promoted via N2Africa Linking up with a CIAT and IFAD funded project. An assessment on market linkages is conducted by CIAT in collaboration with IITA. |
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Response to WOCAN report ‘Enhancing gender responsiveness in Putting Nitrogen to Work for Smallholder Farmers in Africa (N2Africa)’ |
Response to the WOCAN report on enhancing gender responsiveness in the N2Africa project.
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Gender research in N2Africa - going beyond target numbers for reaching women |
The N2Africa acknowledges the importance of women in agricultural production, household food security and income. The project recognizes that in aiming to ensure long-term sustainable impact it is of crucial importance to address explicitly the needs of women farmers, processors and marketers and to develop specific strategies for meaningful inclusion of women in project activities to ensure women benefit from the project. The project team has therefore embraced the target of at least 50% women involvement in all farmer-related activities of the project, as formulated in the project proposal. Moreover, the NGO WOCAN has recently published a study on improving the gender responsiveness in the N2Africa project.
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Rhizobial Bio-prospecting in East and Central Africa |
Article on Rhizobial bio-prospecting submitted late for the previous Podcaster (no. 8, focussing on Rhizobiology), focussing on the need of documentation of the biodiversity of rhizobia in Africa. |

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Video from Cote d’Ivoire by Adako Moudiongui |
Culture du Soja en milieu paysan. Conception et Scénario de Dr Adako MOUDIONGUI produit par Yao Alexis Haccandy PACIL/FIDA Bouaké Côte d’Ivoire 2002. Participation du Groupement de femmes de Bodokro (Béoumi) et le Groupement de jeunes d’Adikro (Brobo). (i) Méthodes culturales; (ii) Biofertilisation du soja par inoculation;(iii) Production et conservation des semences de soja en milieu paysan.(iv) Transformation du soja pour la consommation domestique (préparation des mets courants, bouillies de sevrage); (v) Avis des producteurs sur la biofertilisation compréhension de l’inoculation la nodulation (BNF); (vi) Rentabilité de la culture soja biofertilisé avec l’inoculum
Here is a link to a video on smallholder soyabean production and inoculation research in a country not covered by N2Africa. Great to see the enthusiasm of others for a common goal!
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