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Summary |
Newsletter item # |
Introduction |
Welcome to the last Podcaster of 2016! Although a hectic time for us all pulling together the reporting for the past year – it’s also a great opportunity for reflection on all that has happened over the past 12 months. So much has happened it is hard to believe only last March many of us met in Livingstone at the PanAfrican Grain Legume and World Cowpea Conference to celebrate 2016 as the International Year of Pulses....
Photo: Fred Kanampiu accepting the invitation to host the next AABNF in 2018 in Rwanda on behalf of N2Africa. The current AABNF President, Prof Flora Pule-Meulenberg, and founding member of AABNF, Prof Shellemiah Keya are sitting on the podium.
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Mid-annual and M&E review meeting in Ethiopia |

Picture: Workshop participants (partial view)
N2Africa – Ethiopia held its Mid-Annual and M&E Review meeting from October 13th-14th, 2016 at ILRI in Addis Ababa. The overall objective of the workshop was to review the implementation progress of the project, in reference to the work plan 2016, and to develop strategies for improvements. The project is implemented in collaboration with diverse partners from public and private sectors, and NGOs using different methods and approaches. ...
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N2Africa partners develop a strategy to achieve sustainability in Tanzania |
“Sustainability” was the theme of the third N2Africa Tanzania review and planning meeting, that took place on October 19th-20th, 2016 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting brought together 34 participants drawn from partner institutions. ...
Picture: N2Africa review meeting 2016
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Reflections on training events in Nigeria |
A series of training was conducted for Extension Agents (EAs) and partners’ staff of Niger State Agricultural and Mechanization Authority (NAMDA) and USAID-MARKETS II in Niger, Kaduna, Benue and Kano states during the 2016 planting season. ...
Picture: Demonstration of planters to Extension Agents
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N2Africa as case study for PROIntensAfrica - What role for legumes in sustainable intensification? |
In 2015, N2Africa was selected as a case study within the PROIntensAfrica initiative and over the last one and a half year this case study was conducted in two of the N2Africa countries, Ghana and Kenya. We have given regular updates in the Podcaster, and the case study has now been finalised. The report can be found online: click here.

Figure: Average scores on selected sustainability indicators for households in study sites in Northern Ghana
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Legume yield gaps in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania |
Currently sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is not self-sufficient in cereals, while the demand is projected to triple between 2010 and 2050 due to population growth and changing diets. Therefore it is needed to drastically increase food production to meet this challenging demand for agricultural products by 2050. A major option is narrowing gaps between actual farm yields and yield potential.
Picture: Maize yield gap in SSA at country level from the Global Yield Gap Atlas (www.yieldgap.org), black dots indicate the weather stations used for the yield gap assessment
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Groundnut response to calcium and phosphorus fertilizer rates in Tanzania |
Henry Tamba Nyuma focussed his research on investigating the response of groundnut to inorganic sources of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) with emphases on yield, fats and protein contents, as well as profitability of fertilizer in groundnut production at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania. ... |
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Related Publications |
Genome-Enabled Prediction Models for Yield Related Traits in Chickpea
M., Roorkiwal, A., Rathore, R.R., Das, R R, M.K., Singh, A., Jain, S., Srinivasan, P.M., Gaur, B., Chellapilla, S., Tripathi, Y., Li, J.M., Hickey, A., Lorenz, T., Sutton, J., Crossa, J.L. Jannink and R.K., Varshney. (2016). Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (1666). 01-13. ISSN 1664-462X
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Related newsletters |
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Announcement |
On January 18th, 2017, the world will celebrate pulses! Global Pulse Day will be celebrated every year to promote the nutritional and environmental benefits of pulses. Submit ideas for Global Pulse Day on January 18th, 2017.
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