MSc9 |
2013.02.04 |
MSc. Internship Report, Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe |
MSc Internship report Caroline Chipomho.pdf
(2.05 MB)
MSc8 |
2013.07.01 |
Agronomic and symbiotic characteristics of chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.), as influenced by Rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilization under farming systems of Wolaita area, Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
Final MSc thesis report Ibsa _0.pdf
(1.4 MB)
MSc7 |
2013.10.02 |
Potentials and challenges of climbing bean production in Western Kenya |
Kenya |
Report Raphael 29-8-2013.pdf
(3.85 MB)
MSc65 |
2019.10.31 |
Assessing the rotational effects of maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) through two field experiments for smallholder farms in Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
MSc Thesis Ethiopia_Zwaan.pdf
(1.13 MB)
MSc64 |
2019.09.23 |
Understanding the role of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivation by smallholder farmers in northern Uganda |
Uganda |
2019-08-19 Spek, Els van der MSc thesis report.pdf
(3.85 MB)
MSc63 |
2019.05.28 |
Assessing on-farm performance of improved technology interventions on legume production by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa |
All core countries |
2019-03-21 Masamba, Betty MSc thesis.pdf
(1.51 MB)
MSc62 |
2019.05.28 |
Factors influencing grain legume technology adoption across Sub-Saharan Africa |
All countries |
2019-01-29 Mulder, Roos MSc Thesis.pdf
(4.64 MB)
MSc61 |
2014.03.07 |
Evaluation of effectiveness of rhizobia isolates from Rwandan soils on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) |
Rwanda |
MSc thesis Alfred Rumongi Tabaro.pdf
(1.75 MB)
MSc60 |
2019.01.31 |
Prediction of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yields in northern Tanzania based on spectral analysis of soils |
Tanzania |
2019-01-16 Mallet,Charlotte MSc Thesis Report_revised.pdf
(2.45 MB)
MSc6 |
2013.12.02 |
Assessment of quality control of inoculants used on bean and soybean in Eastern and Central Africa |
Kenya |
Isaac Balume MSc thesis UoN.pdf
(1002.71 KB)
MSc59 |
2019.01.10 |
Usage of agricultural technologies for soyabean and groundnut |
Ghana |
2018-06-09 Hoppenbrouwers, Mats MScThesis.pdf
(1.61 MB)
MSc58 |
2018.11.19 |
Gender based factors influencing farmer participation in marketing of climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Kabale district, south western Uganda |
Uganda |
MSc thesis Kule Birnegesyo Eriya.pdf
(1.28 MB)
MSc57 |
2018.11.05 |
Analysis of market participation by women soybean farmers in Hawul Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria |
Nigeria |
MSc thesis Mohammed Alkali Hauwa.pdf
(590.47 KB)
MSc56 |
2018.11.05 |
Analysis of cowpea marketing in Biu Local Government area, Borno State, Nigeria |
Nigeria |
Thesis Maryam Baba KYARI.pdf
(740.11 KB)
MSc55 |
2018.11.05 |
Response of promiscuous soybean to rhizobial inoculation in combination with organic and mineral fertilizers in some soils of the Nigerian Guinea savanna |
Nigeria |
Dissertation EKAETTE FUT Minna.pdf
(1.68 MB)
MSc53 |
2018.10.29 |
Effectiveness of extension methods for scaling up improved common bean technologies among small-scale farmers in Babati district, Tanzania |
Tanzania |
MSc thesis Amina Musthapha_.pdf
(402.39 KB)
MSc52 |
2018.07.03 |
Adoption of improved soyabean varieties: the case of Buno Bedele and East Wollega zones of Oromia Region, Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
MSc thesis Galmesa Abebe.pdf
(791.27 KB)
MSc51 |
2018.07.03 |
Influence of potassium fertilization and liming on growth, grain yield, and quality of soybean (Glycine max L. (Merrill) on acidic soil in Gobu Sayo District, western Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
MSc thesis Negash Teshome.pdf
(3.73 MB)
MSc50 |
2018.01.02 |
Adoption of improved chickpea technologies in North Gondar zone of Ethiopia: the case of Gondar Zuria district |
Ethiopia |
MSc Thesis Mesfin Fenta.pdf
(1.25 MB)
MSc5 |
2014.01.05 |
Identifying elite rhizobia for commercial soyabean (Glycine max) inoculants |
Kenya |
MSc thesis Maureen Waswa.pdf
(873.37 KB)
MSc49 |
2017.12.07 |
Factors affecting adoption of legume technology and its impact on income of farmers: the case of Sinana and Ginir Woredas of Bale zone |
Ethiopia |
MSc Thesis Yitbarek Tegegne.pdf
(1.39 MB)
MSc48 |
2017.12.07 |
Response of chickpea (Cicer aritienum l.) to sulphur and zinc nutrients application and Rhizobium inoculation in north western Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
MSc Thesis Beza Shewangizaw Woldearegay.pdf
(1.94 MB)
MSc47 |
2017.11.23 |
Symbiotic effectiveness of rhizobia from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and phenotypic characteristics of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) nodulating rhizobia |
Ethiopia |
MScThesis Tadele Ereso.pdf
(2.15 MB)
MSc46 |
2017.11.16 |
Isolation, authentication and evaluation of symbiotic effectiveness of elite indigenous rhizobia nodulating Phaseolus vulgaris l. in Hai District, northern Tanzania |
Tanzania |
MSc thesis Yusuph Namkeleja F.pdf
(1.43 MB)
MSc45 |
2017.11.13 |
Optimization of biological nitrogen fixation and yield of groundnut (arachis hypogaea l.) in a savanna alfisol through fertilizer application and soil amendment |
Nigeria |
MSc thesis Muhammed Mustapha Ibrahim.pdf
(1.42 MB)
MSc44 |
2017.11.07 |
Symbiotic and phenotypic characteristics of indigenous rhizobia nodulating faba bean (Vicia faba L.) growing in some parts of Wello, Northern Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
MSc thesis Getahun Negash Takele.pdf
(1.43 MB)
MSc43 |
2017.10.26 |
Determining nutrients limiting factors on grain yield and yield components to common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under drought and non-drought conditions |
Malawi |
MSc thesis Mônea Lina Adelino Mucavêa.pdf
(1.43 MB)
MSc42 |
2017.10.26 |
Assessment of The Abundance and Effectiveness of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] Rhizobia in Soils from Different Fields in Chiwosya Extension Planning Area, Mchinji District |
Malawi |
MSc thesis Esnart Nyirenda.pdf
(498.72 KB)
MSc41 |
2017.10.23 |
Determinants of Inputs Demand and Adoption of Grain Legumes and Associated Technologies of N2Africa in Kano-Nigeria |
Nigeria |
MSc Thesis_Muhammad Halliru.pdf
(725.19 KB)
MSc40 |
2017.10.23 |
Analysis of Preference for Adoption of Legume Technology Packages: the Case of Chickpea and Common bean Producing Smallholder Farmers in Boricha and Damot Gale Districts, Southern Region |
Ethiopia |
MSc Thesis Dagmawit Getachew.pdf
(1.59 MB)
MSc4 |
2014.01.05 |
Farmer perceptions, use and profitability of Biofix® on soyabean (Glycine Max) production in Western Kenya |
Kenya |
MSc thesis Mutuma.pdf
(1.21 MB)
MSc39 |
2017.10.09 |
Effect of cropping system design on severity of biotic stresses in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and maize (Zea mays) in Northern Tanzania. |
Tanzania |
Msc thesis_Nicolaj Vendelbo Updated Jan 2018.pdf
(3.92 MB)
MSc38 |
2017.10.09 |
Exploring the current state of ruminant value chains in northern Ghana, and the role of grain legume residues as a livestock feed resource |
Ghana |
Msc thesis_Suzanne Roelen.pdf
(3.12 MB)
MSc37 |
2017.07.04 |
Inducing the adoption of good agricultural practices by educating Tanzanian smallholder farmers – what works best and at what costs? |
Tanzania |
MSc Thesis_Verena Mitschke.pdf
(2.04 MB)
MSc36 |
2017.04.26 |
Light and nutrient capture by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in the Northern Highlands of Tanzania |
Tanzania |
MSc thesis_Eva Thuijsman_April 2017_.pdf
(3.55 MB)
MSc35 |
2017.04.26 |
Effects of phosphorus fertilizer and inoculation on yield and nutritive values of grain and haulm of selected grain legumes in mixed crop-livestock production system of Ethiopia |
Ethiopia |
MSc Thesis Sisay Belete.pdf
(1.63 MB)
MSc34 |
2016.10.28 |
Guiding varietal choice for soybean in Africa: A comparison of bottom-up and top-down modelling approaches to assess water limited potential yields |
All countries |
MSC Thesis report Ugo Verlingue-Supagro Montpellier 2016.pdf
(4.97 MB)
MSc33 |
2016.08.21 |
Effect of rhizobia inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer on nodulation and yield of soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] in Dedza, Kasungu and Salima districts of Malawi |
Malawi |
MSc thesis Donald Siyeni.pdf
(2.04 MB)
MSc32 |
2016.08.10 |
Response of three groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) genotypes to calcium and phosphatic fertilizers |
Tanzania |
MSc Thesis Nyuma Henry Tamba.pdf
(700.07 KB)
MSc31 |
2016.06.01 |
Understanding drivers behind the implementation and adaptation of improved climbing bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) technologies by smallholder farmers in Kapchorwa district, Eastern Uganda |
Uganda |
Msc Thesis Laurie van Reemst.pdf
(2.53 MB)
MSc30 |
2016.02.17 |
Influence of biochar amendment on the effectiveness of elite Kenyan rhizobia nodulating common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
Kenya |
MSc thesis Martin Koinange.pdf
(1.67 MB)
MSc3 |
2014.01.08 |
Tillage and variety effects on soil moisture content, biological nitrogen fixation and soybean (Glycine max l. merril) yield in Western Kenya |
Kenya |
MSc Thesis_John Okoth Omondi.pdf
(968.74 KB)
MSc29 |
2016.01.17 |
Evaluation of yield potential and management practices affecting soybean production in western Kenya |
Kenya |
Msc Thesis Waswa Wycliffe Final submitted-UoE Kenya (2).pdf
(1.28 MB)
MSc28 |
2015.11.05 |
Uptake of technology and competitiveness of legume production in small scale farming in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo |
D.R. Congo |
MSc Thesis Fidèle Barhebwa Balangalize 30sept2014.pdf
(1.25 MB)
MSc27 |
2015.11.05 |
Climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivation and its diffusion in Kapchorwa District, Uganda |
Uganda |
MSc thesis Jan Huskens.pdf
(2.94 MB)
MSc26 |
2015.11.01 |
Nutrients limiting soybean (Glycine max L) production in acrisols and ferralsols of Kakamega and Busia counties |
Zimbabwe |
MSc thesis Ludy Keino.pdf
(1.67 MB)
MSc25 |
2015.08.24 |
Opportunities and constraints for climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivation by smallholder farmers in the Ugandan highlands: Developing a basket of options |
Uganda |
Opportunities and constraints for climbing bean cultivation by smallholder farmers in the Ugandan highlands - Final version.pdf
(2.48 MB)
MSc24 |
2015.05.20 |
Efficacy and competitiveness of indigenous Bradyrhizobia strains on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) productivity in Malawi |
Malawi |
Joseph Mhango Thesis 2015 MSc Soil Science.pdf
(1.07 MB)
MSc23 |
2015.01.04 |
Cowpea-maize relay cropping. A method for sustainable agricultural intensification in northern Ghana? |
Ghana |
MSc thesis WU 2014 Wytze Marinus.pdf
(2.32 MB)
MSc22 |
2014.12.15 |
Assessment of changes in households food availability, access, utilization and stability using farm stratification associated with the introduction of legume technology in Salima district, Malawi |
Malawi |
MSc Thesis Hyejin Lee University of Hohenheim 2014.pdf
(2.07 MB)
MSc21 |
2012.10.30 |
Nutrient limitations for soybean on low-responsive sandy soils in Zimbabwe tested by a double pot experiment |
Zimbabwe |
Thesis Wietske.pdf
(1.5 MB)
MSc20 |
2014.09.07 |
Soil fertility constraints for the production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Usambara Mountains of northern Tanzania |
Tanzania |
MSc thesis JE Langwerden.pdf
(2.83 MB)
MSc2 |
2014.04.06 |
Contribution of rhizobium and phosphorus fertilizer to biological nitrogen fixation and grain yield of soybean in the Tolon district |
Ghana |
(461.35 KB)
MSc19 |
2014.09.07 |
Nutrient deficiencies and soil fertility constraints for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in the Usambara Mountains, northern Tanzania |
Tanzania |
MSc thesis Elise Bressers.pdf
(7.34 MB)
MSc18 |
2014.07.14 |
Effectiveness of Rhizobia strains isolated from South Kivu soils on growth of soybeans (Glycine max) |
D.R. Congo |
MSc thesis Bintu Ndusha.pdf
(988.03 KB)
MSc17 |
2014.05.11 |
Nutritional and soil fertility benefits: influence of fertilizers on groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) yield and soil nitrogen contribution for smallholder farmers in Uganda |
Uganda |
Thesis Report-Taruvinga Badza 2013-2014 Minakulu Uganda.pdf
(2.03 MB)
MSc16 |
2011.07.31 |
Towards increased adoption of grain legumes among Malawian farmers - Exploring opportunities and constraints through detailed farm characterization |
Malawi |
thesis greta final.pdf
(1.69 MB)
MSc15 |
2011.04.10 |
Availability of animal feed resources at farm and village scale in Umurera, Rwanda |
Rwanda |
N2Africa MSc_Thesis Lotte Klapwijk.pdf
(185.87 KB)
MSc14 |
2011.07.31 |
Characterisation of Bean Farming Systems Across Farm Types in Northern and Eastern Rwanda: Identification of Potential Niches for Legume Technologies |
Rwanda |
MSc_Thesis_Moritz Reckling_final version.pdf
(1.54 MB)
MSc13 |
2011.10.29 |
Understanding the current role of legumes and their significance for Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) in smallholder farming systems of Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe |
Brenda_T _Manenji__ Thesis_ 14- Print!! PDF.pdf
(1.25 MB)
MSc12 |
2012.06.29 |
Farm characterisations in the southern and northern Guinea savannah zones of Nigeria |
Nigeria |
MSc thesis_S K Foli.pdf
(1.27 MB)
MSc11 |
2012.07.30 |
Identification of potential niches for soybean cultivation in farming systems of Eastern and Southern Rwanda |
Rwanda |
MSc thesis_M Mujawamariya.pdf
(2.55 MB)
MSc10 |
2012.11.29 |
Response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Pisum sativum L. to N and P fertilizers and inoculation with Rhizobium in Kenya Primary tabs |
Kenya |
MSc thesis F van der Bom.pdf
(2.81 MB)
MSc1 |
2014.04.06 |
Assessing the need for inoculation of soybean and cowpea at Tono in Kassena Nankana District of the Upper East Region of Ghana |
Ghana |
Final Thesis 2013_JACOB ULZEN.pdf
(931.11 KB)
MPhil9 |
2018.12.10 |
Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) to rhizobia inoculation, nitrogen and phosphorus application and residual benefits to maize on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe |
Vongai Chekanai MPhil thesis 2019.pdf
(1000.8 KB)
MPhil8 |
2018.10.29 |
Evaluation of liming, inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer on yield components and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.)) Merrill in the Guinea savannah of Ghana |
Ghana |
Ibrahim Issifu Thesis.pdf
(1.11 MB)
MPhil7 |
2018.10.29 |
Farmers’ practices in soybean (Glycine max) storage and their effects on viability and vigour of seeds |
Ghana |
Karim Abdul Rahaman Thesis.pdf
(2.42 MB)
MPhil6 |
2018.10.29 |
Farmers’ willingness to pay for soyabean production inputs in northern Ghana |
Ghana |
Kwasi Gyan MPhil Thesis.pdf
(1.65 MB)
MPhil5 |
2017.11.13 |
Response of soybean to rhizobial inoculation and nitrogen management options in the Southern Guinea savannah zone of Ghana |
Ghana |
MPhil thesis Kennedy Ahlijah.pdf
(841.63 KB)
MPhil4 |
2017.10.30 |
Symbiotic effectiveness and saprophytic competence of selected indigenous rhizobia isolates for groundnut inoculation in northern Ghana |
Ghana |
MPhil thesis Godfre Wilson.pdf
(1.09 MB)
MPhil3 |
2017.10.30 |
Influence of P sources and rhizobium inoculation on growth, nodulation, N & P uptake and yield of three soybean genotypes in Tanchera soil series of the northern Guinea savannah zone of Ghana |
Ghana |
MPhil thesis Florence Jessica Kumah.pdf
(1.49 MB)
MPhil2 |
2017.10.26 |
Effect of genotype and plant population on growth, nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean (Glycine max. L. Merrill) in Guinea savanna agro-ecological zone of Ghana. |
Ghana |
MPhil thesis Gifty Kumah.pdf
(1.35 MB)
MPhil1 |
2017.10.24 |
Effect of genotype and plant population on growth, nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] in the Sudan savanna agro-ecological zone of Ghana |
Ghana |
MPhil thesis_Wuni Mawiya.pdf
(1.04 MB)
MA54 |
2018.10.29 |
Effectiveness of communication channels and smallholder farmers’ adoption of improved legume technologies: a case of Morogoro region, Tanzania |
Tanzania |
MA Thesis Charles B. Lugamara.pdf
(544.84 KB)
Int9 |
2012.07.30 |
Qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of macro and micronutrient deficiencies in soils across three agro-ecological environments of northern Nigeria using the double-pot technique |
Nigeria |
MSc internship report SK Foli.pdf
(1.23 MB)
Int8 |
2013.02.03 |
Rapport d'activites du stage au Malawi |
Malawi |
Report du stage au Malawi_Parachini.pdf
(548.86 KB)
Int7 |
2013.02.04 |
Farmer’s trial legume technology evaluation in the districts of Mchinji and Salima in Central Malawi |
Malawi |
Internship report Kondwani Khonje.pdf
(260.04 KB)
Int6 |
2013.02.04 |
Internship report on household characterisation Rwanda |
Rwanda |
Internship_Report_Moritz Reckling.pdf
(200.08 KB)
Int5 |
2013.02.04 |
A comparison of the use of bean stakes in northern Rwanda |
Rwanda |
N2Africa_Internship_2011_C J Klapwijk.pdf
(544.37 KB)
Int4 |
2013.07.15 |
Soya ni Pesa |
Tanzania |
Frederik v d Bom MSc Internship Report final.pdf
(3.37 MB)
Int3 |
2013.10.02 |
Investigating soybean market situation in Western Kenya: constraints and opportunities for smallholder producers |
Kenya |
Internship report - COLLOMBET Robin - 31 _07_2013 - .pdf
(1.79 MB)
Int2 |
2013.10.21 |
Nutrient omission trials in Rwanda for N2Africa |
Rwanda |
Final - Report.pdf
(992.06 KB)
Int19 |
2019.01.10 |
Challenges and coping strategies in the soyabean market chain in Uganda |
Uganda |
2018-09-13 Hoppenbrouwers, Mats Internship report.pdf
(1.82 MB)
Int18 |
2017.11.21 |
Analysis and revision of the N2Africa focal adaptation trial survey, a tool for monitoring technology performance and untangling yield variability |
All core countries |
Intership Report Susana Prieto Bravo.pdf
(1.28 MB)
Int17 |
2017.11.07 |
Implementation of N2Africa Project in Ghana: Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Ghana |
Ghana |
Internship report_Gregory Mensah.pdf
(413.44 KB)
Int16 |
2016.03.31 |
Findings on: Environmental impact in Dutch arable farming, experimental data on soybean yield potential, the yield gaps of sugarcane and sugar beet, and N2Africa baseline studies. |
All core countries |
Internship report_Tijmen Kerstens.pdf
(2.27 MB)
Int15 |
2017.02.06 |
Adaptation of improved climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) technologies in the Ugandan highlands |
Uganda |
Internship report Eva Thuijsman - January 2017.pdf
(3.41 MB)
Int14 |
2017.02.06 |
N2Africa Project Review |
All countries |
Lisa Piper MSc Internship Report 31st January 2017.pdf
(11.17 MB)
Int13 |
2016.07.10 |
Evaluating farmers' decision making on choosing technologies and practices in adaptation trials |
Ghana |
Internship report _Kohji Nakasaka.pdf
(1.59 MB)
Int12 |
2015.11.18 |
Using the double pot technique to detect nutrient limitations for soybean growth (Glycine max) in Sierra Leonean soils |
Sierra Leone |
Internship report Sierra Leone Servan LENOIR N2Africa.pdf
(3.41 MB)
Int11 |
2015.09.27 |
Farmers’ Constraints vis-á-vis the Adoption of Improved Bean Varieties and Seeds in Hai District, Tanzania |
Tanzania |
Internship Report Verena Mitschke_0.pdf
(3.27 MB)
Int10 |
2015.05.03 |
Adoption constraints with climbing beans in Kashambya subcounty |
Uganda |
Internship report Bharathwaj Sridhar.pdf
(2.23 MB)
Int1 |
2014.03.16 |
Farmers’ practices and value chain of climbing bean production in South Western Uganda |
Uganda |
Breure and Kool internship report FINAL.pdf
(1.29 MB)
BSc02 |
2019.05.28 |
Benefits of new technologies for grain legume cultivation for smallholder farmers in northern Ghana, as promoted by the N2Africa project |
Ghana |
2018-07-09 Westerik, Dorien Westerik BSc thesis report.pdf
(781.2 KB)
BSc01 |
2019.03.12 |
Reponse de deux varietes de soja (sb24 et pko6) a la fertilisation azotee (uree) et a l’inoculation sans limitation de phosphore et de potassium dans les territoires de Kabare (Murhesa) et de Walungu (Mushinga) |
D.R. Congo |
BSc Memoire Noël Mulinganya Bazibuhe.pdf
(943.94 KB)
AFD research |
2019.03.12 |
Disseminating Weather Information to Smallholder Farmers in Rural Tanzania |
Tanzania |
(1.17 MB)