Some highlighted outcomes from 2018 (N2Africa Borno state, Nigeria)

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The 2018 community social mobilization exercise which was organized and conducted successfully in 40 new communities within the four local government areas of the project operational areas in Borno state. A total of 3,278 (1,987 M: 1,291 F) people participated.

Both photo's: Participants at the 2018 community social mobilization in Borno State, Nigeria

social mob1 social mob2

Pre-season training on good agronomic practices of grain legume production and safe use of herbicide and handling and application of inoculants and Cowpea Pest Management and IPM for Extension agents, farmers and local agro-dealers was conducted. The main objectives of the exercise are that at the end of the participants are expected to produce good quality gain legume and be able to spray their cowpea with insecticides as and when due (three spray regimes) among others.

To address gender inequality in project intervention, the communities were being sensitized on gender mainstreaming and its importance taking into consideration the context of North Eastern Nigeria and the need to support women, male and female youth to participate in project activities especially business entrepreneurship for better living conditions and to be engaged in Village Savings Loans (VSL) scheme.

non degree training

Participants at one of the non-degree training
sessions in Borno state, Nigeria

Sensitization with women

A section of sensitization with women for VSL

Women VSL training

A section of women at VSL training

Part industrial part industrial2

Industrial training opportunity (internship) on livestock feed milling was offered to six (6) youth agripreneurs (3 –M, 3 –F) in Kaduna at Kabfat livestock feeds, Hybrid feeds Ltd and Olam grains international. This capacity boost has been very useful in the production and sales of poultry feeds among the youth entrepreneurs and their host communities. It has increased production efficiency in broiler production by cutting costs and increasing profitability and business sustainability.

Both photo's left: Participants at the industrial training opportunity (internship) on livestock feed milling

Farmers mini field days were organized and conducted in November 2018. Farmer’s Field days plays a vital role for information sharing and dissemination among stake holders of the project and also avail the stakeholders on the various technologies and techniques being pushed to farmers as baskets of options. N2Africa Borno project conducted mini field days in 10 locations in the project areas to avail the stakeholders on the various technologies being pushed to farmers as baskets of technology options.

Photo's right: Participants at the mini field days organized and conducted by N2Africa/BOSADP

mini field day1 mini field day2

Find here the link to the N2Africa Annual report Nigeria, Borno State 2018

Nkeki Kamai, Country Coordinator Nigeria