News from Legume Technology

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Legume Technology has now achieved registration in Kenya and Tanzania. After several years of trials showing excellent results the LEGUMEFiX brand of rhizobium inoculants will now be available for commercial sales. It is hoped that LEGUMEFiX will be available to smallholders and commercial growers in both Tanzania and Kenya within a few months. Distributors are in the process of gathering market information and assessing the interest in our products so they can forecast sales and manage stock levels available for sale in both Tanzania and Kenya. Dr. Bruce Knight, the managing director of Legume Technology, has welcomed this news expressing his grateful acknowledgement of the help and support received by Legume Technology saying;

β€˜The results generated by the field trials carried out by the N2Africa and COMPRO projects were invaluable demonstrating the impressive yield improvements possible with a high quality inoculant.’

Further information including contact details for sales enquiries in Tanzania and Kenya will be made available in the near future.

Bruce Knight /