- Stakeholder Consultations Report by Peter Ebanyat, Tamiru Amanu and Connetie Ayesiga;
- MSc thesis Effectiveness of extension methods for scaling up improved common bean technologies among small-scale farmers in Babati district, Tanzania by Amina Mustapha, student within the SILT (Sustainable Intensification of Legume Technology in Tanzania) project with backstopping from N2Africa;
- MA thesis Effectiveness of communication channels and smallholder farmers’ adoption of improved legume technologies: a case of Morogoro region, Tanzania by Charles Byalugaba Lugamara, student within the SILT (Sustainable Intensification of Legume Technology in Tanzania) project with backstopping from N2Africa;
- MPhil thesis Farmers’ willingness to pay for soyabean production inputs in northern Ghana, by Kwasi Gyan;
- MPhil thesis Farmers’ practices in soybean (Glycine max) storage and their effects on viability and vigour of seeds by Karim Abdul Rahaman;
- MPhil thesis Evaluation of liming, inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer on yield components and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.)) Merrill in the Guinea savannah of Ghana by Ibrahim Issifu;
- MSc thesis Response of promiscuous soybean to rhizobial inoculation in combination with organic and mineral fertilizers in some soils of the Nigerian Guinea savanna by Joy Etopobong Ekaette;
- MSc thesis Analysis of cowpea marketing in Biu local government area, Borno State, Nigeria by Maryam Baba Kyari;
- MSc thesis Analysis of market participation by women soybean farmers in Hawul Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria by Mohammed Alkali Hauwa;
- MSc thesis Gender based factors influencing farmer participation in marketing of climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Kabale district, south western Uganda by Kule Birengesyo Eriya;
- MPhil thesis Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) to rhizobia inoculation, nitrogen and phosphorus application and residual benefits to maize on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe by Vongai Chekanai;
- MSc thesis The financial sustainability of concrete technology options for grain legumes: An economic evaluation of input adoption by smallholder farmers in Ghana by Mats Hoppenbrouwers;
Internship report Challenges and coping strategies in the soyabean market chain in Uganda by Mats Hoppenbrouwers; - MSc thesis Prediction of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yields in northern Tanzania based on spectral analysis of soils by Charlotte Mallet.
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