Participatory evaluation of an agronomic trial, a farmer field day organized by Development Rural Durable (DRD)

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In Rwanda, N2Africa has 5 partners, among which 1 research institution (ISAR), and 4 non-government organizations (NGOs), namely DRD, COCOF, EPR, and CARITAS, involved mostly in technology dissemination.

One way to facilitate technology dissemination is the participatory evaluation of agronomic trials established on - farm, from which farmers select the best technologies (e.g. crop varieties) to be tested in their individual farms in the following seasons. On February 17, 2011 in NEMBA action site, Burera district, a participatory evaluation of an agronomic trial on 5 varieties of climbing beans was organized by DRD in collaboration with ISAR scientists, local leaders, journalist and N2Africa beneficiary farmers.

On the agenda of the field day, the following points were highlighted:

• Participatory evaluation of variety trial on climbing bean

• Distribution of Maize seed for dissemination packages to beneficiaries

• Radio talk about N2Africa activities

Participatory evaluation of variety trial on climbing bean:


Prepared by Hakizimana Jacques