The Crawford Fund Master Class on Rhizobiology

The Crawford Fund Master Class was a two-week training course, held from the 1st -13th of December 2012 in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka on all the skills and techniques of rhizobiology. Participants were from nine countries namely Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, South Africa, Kenya, India, Thailand, Vietnam and the host Sri Lanka. The facilitators were from Murdoch University, Australia and the coordinators were from Australia and Sri Lanka.

Limitations in the Production of Legume crops in Zimbabwe

Legumes, such as groundnuts, sugar beans, soyabeans, cowpeas and bambara nuts, are important in the cropping systems of smallholder farmers in the communal areas in Zimbabwe. These legumes are often referred to as women’s crops and they are not given as much attention as other crops like maize, tobacco and cotton. Despite the fact that legumes enhance soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), their role in human nutrition and their contribution to household cash income are still not highly appreciated.

Conference announcement

IFDC offers a training program "Linking Farmers to Markets in Africa" in East Africa. It will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, July 1-5, 2013.

the program is meant for development professionals from both public and private sector with specific interest in farmer-to-market linkages, such as agro-input dealers, importers, traders and trader organizations; producer organizations; and development projects, donors, NGOs and other agricultural development practitioners.

MSc, BSC, Internship reports freely available on the N2Africa internet

The MSc, BSc, internship reports of our Wageningen University students are made freely available on our website. You wil find the reports under the tab "outputs". All our work done in Wageningen is done via global access and we are aiming to make it available to everybody.

We have many students still studying at partner universities in Africa and we hope very much that their thesis reports will be made available very soon.