Determinants of Inputs Demand and Adoption of Grain Legumes and Associated Technologies of N2Africa in Kano-Nigeria

The study analyzed the determinants of inputs demand and adoption of grain legumes and associated technologies of N2Africa in Kano State. Multi-stage sampling technique was used for the study. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire. 150 farmers were sampled each from project area and non project area making a total of 300 farmers. The analytical tools employed include descriptive statistics, multiple regression, gross margin analysis and logistic regression. The results shows that farmers in project and non-project area possess element of similarity in terms of socio-economic characteristics especially gender, marital status, major source of income and land ownership. Multiple regressions for determinants of inputs revealed that annual income and farm size has positive coefficient and were statistically significant, while price of inputs and distance to inputs source has negative coefficients and were also statistically significant. The adjusted R2 values in respect of project area were 32%, 47% and 48% for fertilizers, seeds and agrochemicals respectively. Also the corresponding adjusted R2 values were 44%, 37% and 49% for the legume enterprises in the non project area. Logit regression result shows that household size, annual income, farming experience and educational status are the factors that influence adoption of grain legumes. Gross margin analysis revealed that legume production is profitable in both project and non-project areas but the gross revenue obtained is higher in project area. Gross margin (per hectare) in the project area was NGN126,195.45, NGN120,853.05 and NGN75,342.17 for soybean, cowpea and groundnut enterprises. In non-project area, gross margin of NGN50,027.11, NGN65,837.91 and NGN6,799.28 were obtained for soybean, cowpea and groundnut. Multiple regression for input-output relationship shows that farm size, fertilizers and seeds were statistically significant within the project area having adjusted R2 of 77.4%, 84% and 74.9%; while 82.9%, 86.4% and 74.4% were obtained in the non project area for soybean, cowpea and groundnut. Constraints affecting input demand include high cost of fertilizers and improved seeds, lack of inoculants and late arrival of inputs while adoption of grain legumes is affected by attack of pest and diseases, drought problems and low price of output. Farmers should be encouraged to produce legume through adequate training on legumes production techniques including efficient utilization of labour and other resources as well as proper disease and pest management. There is also the need for sustainable input supply policy that will ensure availability, accessibility, affordability and timely delivery of agricultural inputs for better legume production in the study area


MSc and Bcs thesis, internship reports

Muhammad Halliru