First place prizes for WeRATE in Kenya - Trophies for ‘Best agro-based processing’ and ‘Best NGO exhibit’

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The Western Region Agriculture Technology Evaluation (WeRATE) is the main N2Africa outreach partner in Kenya and presented an award-winning exhibit at the recently concluded Agriculture Society of Kenya (ASK) Kakamega Show (June 16th-18th, 2016).

WeRATE demonstrated its recommended BNF technologies for soyabean, climbing bean and maize-legume intercropping, as well as marketed inputs and displayed value addition products (Picture 1). These technologies included pest and disease resistant legume varieties, BIOFIX inoculant, Sympal fertilizer, and Dual Gold pre-emergent herbicide.

Furthermore, WeRATE sponsored a mobile One Stop Shop that sold over 800 kg of legume seed, 1000 packets of BIOFIX inoculant, one ton of Sympal fertilizer and 10 large bags of improved cassava cuttings. It displayed and distributed several soya-based products including milk, yoghurt, snacks, fortified flour, cake and biscuits. Many of these products now hold Kenya Bureau of Standards certification. Many farmers visited our exhibit including dignitaries, event judges, media representatives, farmers and students.

Picture 1. Recommended BNF technologies for soyabean, climbing bean and maize-legume intercropping in Kenya

Many farmers visited our exhibit including dignitaries, event judges, media representatives, farmers and students. WeRATE was awarded two First Place prizes for the Best Agro-based Processing and Best NGO Exhibit. These trophies were presented by Busia Governor Sospeter Ojamong (Picture 2).

While participation in these shows requires careful advanced planning, effort and financial investments, it reaches huge numbers of participants and is extensively covered by the media.

Wycliffe Waswa (WeRATE) and Paul Woomer, Kenya