Voices from the field

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We are seeking to compile a collection of personal stories and narratives from around N2Africa.

Through one set of stories, we’ll profile those who work hard behind the scenes to ensure that N2Africa is a success, by inviting particular N2Africa staff to share their experiences. In this issue, we include one such update, from Speciose Kantengwa who works in Rwanda as a Farm Liaison Officer.

The other stories we seek are narratives from farmers or other partners that help us to learn from the experiences of all involved in the N2Africa project. We want to learn about - the ways that farmers innovate and adapt N2Africa technologies; the factors that lead to success or failure; what assists farmers to locate and use approaches; and what obstacles stand in their way. Essentially, we want to hear of all those stories you might tell your partner or your friends at the end of the day about the things that surprise you. If you have any such stories, please email office.n2africa@wur.nl by 01 08 12 and we will follow up with you. Our aim will be to follow up interesting leads in detail, to obtain well-grounded narratives that we can use as part of our Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) and as the basis of a series of short films, to be shot in the last quarter of this year, illustrating the work of N2Africa.

Alastair Simmons