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MSc thesis by Wytze Marinus: Opportunities and constraints for climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivation by smallholder farmers in the Ugandan highlands: Developing a basket of options.

MSc thesis by Verena Mitschke: Farmers’ Constraints vis-á-vis the Adoption of Improved Bean Varieties and Seeds in Hai District, Tanzania.

MSc thesis by Ludy Keino: Nutrients limiting soybean (Glycine max L.) production in acrisols and ferralsols of Kakamega and Busia counties.

BSc thesis by Fidèle Barhebwa Balangalize: Uptake of technology and competitiveness of legume production in small scale farming in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.

MSc thesis Jan Huskens: Climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivation and its diffusion in Kapchorwa District, Uganda.

Workshop report Taking Stock and Moving Forward. The workshop was convened to take stock of issues related to project implementation in all countries and to develop action plans on how to move forward. The workshop was structured through: 1) One-on-one meetings with country coordinators and Fred, Ken and Edward, 2) Plenary sessions with discussions and 3) Group work to develop work plans. Outputs include an inventory of issues for each country, a list of decisions that were taken during the plenary discussions and work plans for activities on labour saving tools, nutrition and rhizobiology.

The N2Africa Communication Master Plan can be downloaded it covers the N2Africa strategy for internal and external communication.