From January 2014, the University of Zimbabwe, Crop Science Department, assumed coordination of the project, taking over from CIAT. There has been a seamless changeover, with support from both Judith de Wolf, the previous N2Africa coordinator for Zimbabwe, and Dr Nelson Mango, the CIAT Country Representative in Zimbabwe. During early April, both Judith and Nelson visited the University for an official handover of the project, including two project vehicles (see photos).
On-farm demonstrations remain core to our technology dissemination strategy |
Activities for the 2013/14 cropping season were initiated from CIAT during Oct/Nov 2013. Activities during Phase II are now concentrated in five districts (Goromonzi, Murehwa, Mutoko, Wedza and Makoni), with limited activities in three other districts (Chegutu, Guruve and Mudzi). We continue to closely work with the CADS (Cluster Agricultural Development Services) and AGRITEX as our main dissemination partners. The Soil Productivity Research Laboratory (SPRL) remains the cornerstone for inoculants production and rhizobiology training for our partners. Regis Chikowo |