New International Course on Agriculture Nutrition Linkages

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The Centre for Development Innovation Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of the International Course on Agriculture Nutrition Linkages, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 18 - 29 November 2013.

Malnutrition occurring early in life has life-long negative impacts on productivity and the income generating potential of the population. For longer times, malnutrition, although seen as a multi-sectorial issue, has been mainly addressed from the health sectors. Since recently, increased attention arises for ‘nutrition-sensitive’ approaches including nutrition sensitive agriculture. Linking the disciplinary fields of agriculture and nutrition is a promising new field for enhanced efforts to combatting malnutrition.

Participants in this course will gain increased insights into how the fields of agriculture, agricultural development, food production and food security can contribute to reduced malnutrition in population groups. The course will provide practical tools to increase the nutritional benefits of agricultural programmes and to reduce their potential negative impacts on nutrition. The course has a clear agricultural economic approach and addresses agricultural development along food value chains.

For more information about the application procedure and costs visit this link to the course.