Malawi’s President Joyce Banda meets N2Africa

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N2Africa-Malawi participated in the launch of USAID-funded project "Integrating Nutrition in Value Chains" (INCV) on 12 July 2012, an event which also marked the 100th day in office for the new president, Her Excellency Joyce Banda. Since INVC will be promoting soybean production and consumption for improved livelihoods and nutrition, N2Africa exhibited some of the soybean technologies being promoted in Malawi; from why and how to use inoculants to household level production of soybean food products (soy milk, protein-fortified flour and snacks). President Banda visited our stand, and was interested to learn that so many food products could be prepared from soybean.


Photo: President Banda, together with the USA Ambassador to Malawi, viewing products made from soybean by the Malawi N2Africa Farm Liaison Officer, Gloria Kasongo

President Banda also expressed her concern that despite the efforts of so many projects to promote soybean in Malawi, productivity levels are low. The Malawi N2Africa team needs to strive hard to better and more widely disseminate our soybean production technologies during the upcoming 2012/13 season....otherwise we may risk being called to the State House with some explaining to do…

Gloria Kasongo and Anne Turner