The report "N2Africa rhizobial isolates in Kenya" giving details of research activities related to rhizobial isolates for Pisum sativum in Kenya.
Early Impact reports for the first two countries: Rwanda and Ghana.
N2Africa Seed diffusion study.
Synthesis report "N2Africa Early Impact Survey".
Two reports produced in collaboration with PROIntensAfrica:
- "The role of legumes in sustainable intensification β priority areas for research in western Kenya";
- "The role of legumes in sustainable intensification β priority areas for research in northern Ghana".
Three MSc theses:
- "Understanding drivers behind the implementation and adaptation of improved climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) technologies by smallholder farmers in Kapchorwa district, eastern Uganda" by Laurie van Reemst;
- "Response of three groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes to calcium and phosphatic fertilizers" by Henry Tamba Nyuma, a student supported by the Buffet Foundation (N2Africa Liberia);
- "Effect of rhizobia inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer on nodulation and yield of soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] in Dedza, Kasungu and Salima districts of Malawi" by Donald Siyeni.
MSc internship report "Evaluating farmersβ decision making on choosing technologies and practices in adaptation trials" by Kohji Nakasaka.