Farmers’ willingness to pay for soyabean production inputs in northern Ghana

Crop production in Ghana is confronted with factors such as decreased farm lands, soil infertility, reduced cropping season resulting from a diminishing rainfall pattern, use of poor quality seeds leading to low crop yields. Quality agro inputs significantly enhance crop productivity when employed in the production process. In Ghana, soya bean has attracted much attention, but little is known about the willingness of its producers to pay for agro-inputs hence the necessity for this study.

Based on this, a total of 400 soya bean farmers were used in a proportionate random sampling using primary data sourced through personal interviews using semi structured questionnaires, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The study revealed that, every GH¢1 invested will yield an interest of 76%. The three major challenges found from the study were drought, difficulties in harvesting and threshing as well as access to tractor services for ploughing, especially for women. Seventy-four percent (74%) of the respondents were willing to pay as against 26% who were not willing to pay for the soya production inputs. It was also revealed that factors such as age, household size, access to credit, participation in demonstrations and gains made from farmer demonstration field schools were statistically significant for certified soya bean seeds. The significant factors on Glyphosate included household size, purpose and experience in soya bean production. In the case of TSP fertilizer access to extension, participation and gains from farmer demonstration field schools and distance to the nearest agro input market were the determinants. The use of inoculant was influenced by age, access to credit, participation in demonstration, farmer group membership and experience in soya production. Policy towards dissemination of early maturing varieties and subsidies on soya bean inputs are recommended.


MSc and Bcs thesis, internship reports

Agro inputs, soya bean, soyabean, TSP fertilizer, inoculant, willingness to pay, access, distance
Kwasi Gyan