N2Africa Social Media Communications Strategy

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Over the last few months, we have been preparing a social media strategy for N2Africa. The launch of this strategy will coincide with the November meeting, with a dedicated Facebook page as a central element. The Facebook page will promote N2Africa activity and link directly with partners and supporters, some of whom already have a social media presence. The N2Africa Facebook page will be updated regularly with videos, pictures and articles sourced from the Podcaster. If you have suggestions about what to feature, please let us know.

The N2Africa website will also be updated with a new interactive map. The map will pin videos and photos to project locations and is a means to demonstrate the geographic extent of N2Africa, as well as to illustrate and share our D2R successes and challenges. To begin with, the map will contain a select number of videos for each country, but will grow to include more videos as well as a library of photographs. Videos played in the map will be linked from new N2Africa β€˜channel’, hosted on Vimeo. This dedicated video channel will host the N2Africa video archive of longer films and training materials.

The Facebook page, map and Vimeo channel will provide an extension to the Podcaster, to link, enhance and celebrate the work of a growing a federation of development and research partners. We look forward to connecting with you soon through Facebook.

Alastair Simmons