The study was conducted to evaluate farmers’ storage methods on the viability and vigour of soybean seeds in Northern Region of Ghana. Soybean seeds were obtained from certified seed producers in the Tamale Metropolis and farmers’ seeds from four Districts (Kumbungu, Savelugu, Tolon and Yendi). The work was carried out in three phases; a survey was conducted in June 2016 using Snowball sampling method to identify farmers and ascertain how they store their seeds for planting; field work was also conducted from July to September 2016 to determine the viability and vigour of seeds obtained from farmers and finally a laboratory experiment was also conducted in the regional ultra-modern seed laboratory of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Tamale, from October to December 2016 to reaffirm the field experiment. The field experiment was conducted using Nested design. For the field and laboratory experiments, data were collected on the following parameters: germination percentages, plant/shoot height, number of leaves, root length and seedling dry weights. Results from the survey shows that farmers store their soybean seeds mainly in sacks placed on materials (wood and stones). Again, it was also revealed that farmers’ in Northern Region stored seeds on their own for planting rather than patronizing certified seeds. Farmers reported diseases and pests as the most important production constraint in the production of soybean in Northern Region. Results from the field and laboratory studies indicate that certified seeds are significantly (P < 0.05) different from farmers seeds in terms of vigour. Seed sources has an effects on viability and vigour.
MSc and Bcs thesis, internship reports
Storage, viability, vigour, soyabean, soybean seeds, northern Ghana, sacks
Karim Abdul Rahaman Thesis.pdf
(2.42 MB)