A PhD-level course entitled "The The legume-rhizobium symbiosis: From molecules to farmersβ fields" was held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, 18 - 22 October 2010. The course was attended by 25 PhD students and postgraduate researchers, including most of the N2Africa core staff and two colleagues from the SIMLESA (Sustainable Intensification Of Maize-Legume Cropping Systems For Food Security In Eastern And Southern Africa) project. The course was organised by Wageningen University Graduate Schools, Production Ecology & Resource Conservation and Experimental Plant Sciences and was led by Ken Giller and Rene Geurts, with Jean-Jacques Drevon, Graham O'Hara, Bruce Knight, Paul Mapfumo, Janet Sprent and Ron Yates as resource people. The course explored possibilities of unpacking the (GL x GR) x E x M interaction, and of linking up molecular biology studies with plant physiology and agronomy and application at field and farm scale. The course was well-received and will be repeated in 2012 - perhaps somewhere in Africa!
Group report on competition for nodulation
Ken Giller