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The 21st International Conference on Nitrogen Fixation (ICNF 2019) will be held on October 10-15, 2019, on the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. This conference series has been ongoing for over 40 years and is a preeminent international forum for scientific discussion of nitrogen fixation. Find HERE the 1st round announcement of the ICNF 2019 in attachment. Conference information and updates can be found on the website:

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research Announces Request for Concept Notes: Area of Inquiry 1
The Legume Systems Innovation Lab will be funding projects in the following three Areas of Inquiry (AOI):
AOI-1 Integration of legumes into sustainable smallholder farming systems and agricultural landscapes
AOI-2 Integration of legumes within local and regional market systems
AOI-3 Analysis of sociocultural and/or economic motivators or barriers to legume utilization at various stages and scales within production and market systems
Some more information can be found HERE.
(Calls for concept notes for AOI2 and AOI3 will be forthcoming)