N2Africa is working with the Africa Soil Health Consortium (ASHC) to produce dissemination materials related to integrated soil fertility management. The ASHC contributes towards radical change in the understanding and use of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) techniques in sub-Saharan Africa, enabling smallholder farmers to improve their crop yields. The project aims to improve knowledge on ISFM at all levels of society in both public and private sectors"- from policy makers to university lecturers, extension workers, input suppliers and the farmers βfor ISFM to contribute to improved livelihoods. The ASHC project is being coordinated by CABI, an international science and agriculture organization, through their team in Africa, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The latest newsletter of ASHC can be found here. If you want to receive the newsletter of the ASHC please click here.
Ken Giller