I’m just back from the 50th anniversary celebrations at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigeria where I was honoured to give a talk. It was a great opportunity to profile the work of N2Africa and to meet many scientists and students – in particular the IITA N2Africa team. When I first visited the IITA HQ in Ibadan in 1990 I had the privilege to be shown around experiments on Alley Cropping by a young upcoming scientist – Dr Nteranya Sanginga (see photo).
Photo: Dr Nteranya Sanginga showing me an alley cropping trial in September 1990 when the African Association of Biological Nitrogen Fixation conference was held at the IITA HQ in Ibadan
Endalkachew responding to questions after presenting his keynote at the ICLGG, Siófok, Hungary
Endalkachew Wolde-meskel, country coordinator for Ethiopia, represented N2Africa and presented a keynote address under the topic “Sustainable intensification of grain legumes production with smallholders in Africa through nitrogen fixation: highlights from the N2Africa project” at the biennial meeting of ICLGG 2017 in Hungary last September. ...
In the previous Podcaster I shared some of my recent results of my PhD research with regard to our dietary gap assessment in Northern Ghana. I was offered the opportunity to also present these results at the International Congress of Nutrition which was held in Buenos Aires in Argentina from 15 to 20 October 2017. This large international congress is a four-yearly meeting that’s been held since 1946 and this was the 21st edition. It addressed a wide range of topics related to human nutrition, including agriculture and human nutrition. ...
Open access publishing with Gates
Open access is of great importance to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to allow for rapid and broad dissemination and for accelerating innovation. Accessible and open articles and underlying data are key for that. To ensure compliance with the BMGF’s Open Access Publishing Policy and to reduce the administrative burden of the publication process, the BMGF has developed two online publication services: Chronos and Gates Open Research. ...
The NoduMax factory continues to manufacture and market quality soyabean inoculant to Nigeria, West African neighbours and venturing into various other SSA region countries.
African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) feeding
on Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) pod
The objective of the project of Nikolaj M. Vendelbo was to assess the effect of cropping system design on severity in two cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), local Mkanamna and improved Lyamungu, and maize (Zea mays) in Northern Tanzania.
The Matasa Fellows Network announced a call for young African researchers to apply to become a fellow. See the announcement here.
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Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa