Introduction |
We welcome Theresa Ampadu-Boakye to N2Africa as monitoring and evaluation specialist – and I’m pleased to report that we now have a full complement of staff across the project. ...
The past two months have been an exciting time for N2Africa and we have a lot to report. ...
Photo left: no manure, right: with manure and P fertilizer
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Obituary Rev. George Kivandah |
We received a message from Kenya Soyabeans Farmers’ Association (KESOFA): To their and our regret they had to announce that their Chairman Rev. Kivandah has passed away on May 3rd because of a stroke. He was great with KESOFA and he will be missed. KESOFA staffs will succeed his will and continue endeavouring to expand the organisation and community.
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New Monitoring & Evaluation coordinator |
Theresa Ampadu-Boakye (Mrs) is the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for N2Africa. Prior to her appointment, she had worked as the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for Towards Sustainable Clusters in Agribusiness Through Learning in Entrepreneurship (2SCALE) Project implemented by the International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC) for the North and West Africa Division where she developed and implemented a web based monitoring and evaluation system and an accompanying Project Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (PMEP) for the project. She had also worked for eight years with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) funded Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP) as a Technical Advisor and subsequently as Senior Technical Advisor responsible for monitoring and evaluation and organizational development. ...
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N2Africa ventures into Borno State, Nigeria |
N2Africa has been granted an extra US$5 million supplementary grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to expand its activities to Borno State, North-Eastern Nigeria. The request that N2Africa start activities in Borno came from the State Governor, another signal that the N2Africa story is reaching its potential clients! This initiative is aligned to a polio vaccination campaign, supported by the foundation, and will operate in a set of Local Government Areas in the south of the State, where security is less problematic (see map). ...
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N2Africa wins top prize in the Harvesting Nutrition Contest |
N2Africa was one of three winners of the SecureNutrition Knowledge Platform’s 2013 Harvesting Nutrition contest. The SecureNutrition Knowledge platform of the World Bank has partnered with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Save the Children to create the Harvesting Nutrition contest. A contest with the aim of showcasing projects around the globe that have bridged gaps between agriculture, food security, and nutrition. ... |
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N2Africa Master Plans: Creating synergies in a decentralized initiative |
The second phase of N2Africa is organized around a decentralized structure with much of the decision-making processes residing with the coordinators of the core countries, in close consultation with the project leadership and coordination team. This was a necessary modification to the structure of the first phase, in view of the more opportunistic, partner-led strategies required for delivering the vision of success of phase II ...
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New extension materials ready! |
We’re happy to present three posters which are ready to use as extension materials in N2Africa. Two posters deal with inoculation, presenting inoculation methods for the two most widely used inoculants, LegumeFix and Biofix. The third poster shows different methods for staking climbing beans, including the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods. Please download the posters and use them however and whenever you like. Alternatively you can find the posters on
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Review of conditioning factors and constraints to legume adoption and their management in Phase II of N2Africa |
The successful proposal of Phase II of N2Africa has given us an opportunity to select sites for the new countries in N2Africa to maximise the relevance of the research findings for different environments and communities. Collating information and reviewing the literature to identify the major factors that promote or hinder the adoption of grain legumes in sub Saharan Africa resulted in developing the conceptual framework on grain legume yield and biological nitrogen fixation at scale, and guided the choice of variables that need to be considered when characterising a new context. ...

Adoption domains for groundnuts in Tanzania
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NoduMax: a new legume inoculant in West Africa |
IITA and N2Africa are exploring commercial inoculant production through its recently established Business Incubation Platform (BIP). A new building was constructed at the BIP that has ample room to accommodate different inoculant production lines and scales of operation. The factory consists of a warehouse area, a carrier preparation room, a station where broth is prepared and mixed with carrier, a curing room, a product storage room, and a quality control laboratory. ... |
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PhD story Michael Kermah: Exploring opportunities for sustainable intensification of grain legumes towards improving crop productivity, food security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in northern Ghana |
Field work was started in the Cropping season of 2013 from May to November 2013.
Two field trials have been conducted as follows and preliminary data analysis done: 1) Effect of intercropping patterns on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and crop productivity and 2) Effect of cowpea-maize relay intercropping on biological nitrogen fixation and crop productivity across fields of different soil fertility levels in northern Guinea and Sudan savanna agroecological zones of Ghana. ...
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Presenting the first six months report of Phase II |
N2Africa Phase II is going full speed ahead, and we’ve already had our first round of reporting to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In the first months of N2Africa Phase II, we have made good progress towards Objective 1 - Project strategy, coordination and implementation and capacity strengthening. Country teams were formed and soon after involved in many meetings and workshops. In addition, an overall technical expertise team, leading activities across all countries, has been established. With this flying start ...
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Other N2Africa reports published recently |
On June 30th the report on Media events in N2Africa (related to Milestone 4.4.4) was published. It tells about ways that were used so far to get the N2Africa message disseminated widely.
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Humidtropics conference |
Humidtropics is organizing an International Conference on Integrated Systems for Sustainable Intensification in Smallholder Agriculture, 7-10 October 2014 in Ibadan, Nigeria. For the conference website, poster and announcement follow this link.
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