Progress - Intermediate reports

Code Date Title Country File
089 2016.07.06 N2Africa Rhizobial isolates in Kenya Kenya N2Africa rhizobial isolates in Kenya.pdf (1.01 MB)
077 2015.03.16 N2Africa Action Areas in Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda in 2014 All core countries N2Africa Action Areas in Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda in 2014_0.pdf (2.61 MB)
066 2014.06.29 Media events in the N2Africa project All countries N2Africa_Media events in the N2Africa project.pdf (1.43 MB)
064 2014.01.12 Linking communities to legume processing initiatives All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Linking communities to legume processing initiatives.pdf (1.02 MB)
063 2014.01.21 Satellite sites and activities in the impact zones of the N2Africa project All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Satellite sites and activities in the impact zones of the N2Africa project.pdf (2.17 MB)
060 2014.01.08 Rhizobium collection, testing and the identification of candidate elite strains All countries N2Africa_Rhizobium collection testing and the identification of candidate elite strains_0.pdf (2.44 MB)
059 2013.10.01 Improving legume inoculant and developing strategic alliances for their advancement All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Improving legume inoculants and developing strategic alliances for their advancement.pdf (1.86 MB)
058 2013.09.11 N2Africa M&E Workstream report All countries N2Africa_ME_Workstream_Reports.pdf (550.88 KB)
046 2013.02.04 N2Africa Narrative reports month 30 All core countries N2Africa_Narrative Country reports 30 month.pdf (3.61 MB)
045 2013.01.31 Number of extension events organized per season per country All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Number of extension events organized per season per country.pdf (771.61 KB)
044 2012.09.30 Howard G. Buffett Foundation – N2Africa June 2012 Interim Report All tier 1 countries N2Africa_HGBF Interim Report July 2012.pdf (907.99 KB)
042 2012.07.31 N2Africa Project Progress Report Month 30 All tier 1 countries N2Africa Project Progress Report Month 30.pdf (834.18 KB)
040 2012.02.27 Training of agro-dealers in accessing, managing and distributing information on Inoculant use All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Training agro-dealers in accessing, managing and distributing information on inoculant use.pdf (649.14 KB)
037 2012.03.25 The role of AGRA and other partners in the project defined and co-funding/financing options for scale-up of inoculum (banks, AGRA, industry) identified All tier 1 countries N2Africa_The role of AGRA and other partners.pdf (820.25 KB)
036 2012.03.18 Linking legume farmers to markets All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Linking farmers to markets.pdf (523.6 KB)
035 2012.02.20 Dissemination tools produced All tier 1 countries
034 2013.06.30 Facilitating large-scale dissemination of Biological Nitrogen Fixation technologies All countries N2Africa_Facilitating large-scale dissemination of Biological Nitrogen Fixation technologies.pdf (637.64 KB)
031 2011.11.06 Existing rhizobiology laboratories updated All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Existing rhizobiology laboratories updated.pdf (515.61 KB)
030 2017.10.31 Memoranda of Understanding are formalized with key partners along the legume value chains in the impact zones All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Memoranda of Understanding are formalized with key partners along the legume value chains.pdf (425.8 KB)
028 2011.10.26 Legume Seed Acquired for Dissemination in the Project Impact Zones All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Legume Seed Acquired for Dissemination in the Project Impact Zones.pdf (422.47 KB)
027 2011.10.27 Update on Inoculant production by cooperating laboratories All tier 1 countries N2Africa_Update on Inoculant production by cooperating laboratories.pdf (410.26 KB)
025 2012.02.24 Suitable multiple-purpose forage and tree legumes for intensive smallholder meat and dairy industries in East and Central Africa N2Africa mandate areas All countries N2Africa_Suitable multi-purpose forage and tree legumes for intensive smallholder meat and dairy industries in N2Africa mandate areas.pdf (522.23 KB)
023 2011.10.27 A report documenting the involvement of women in at least 50% of all farmer-related activities All countries N2Africa_A Report on involvement of women in at least 50 percent of all farmer related activities.pdf (458.79 KB)
022 2011.10.23 Production of seed for local distribution by farming communities engaged in the project All countries N2Africa_Production of seed for local distribution by farming communities engaged in the project_0.pdf (414.37 KB)
021 2011.10.27 MSc and PhD status report 2011 All countries N2Africa_MSc and PhD status report 2011.pdf (581.47 KB)
020 2011.10.23 Collection and maintenance of elite rhizobial strains All countries N2Africa_Collection and maintenance of elite rhizobial strains_1.pdf (434.26 KB)
018 2011.08.27 Adaptive research in N2Africa impact zones: Principles, guidelines and implemented research campaigns All countries N2Africa_Adaptive research in N2Africa impact zones_0.pdf (514.67 KB)
008 2010.12.08 General approaches and country specific dissemination plans All countries N2Africa_General approaches and country specific dissemination plans.pdf (1.3 MB)
006 2010.09.27 Plans for interaction with the Tropical Legumes II project (TLII) and for seed increase on a country-by-country basis All countries N2Africa_Plans for interaction with the Tropical Legumes II project _TLII_ and for seed increase on a country-by-country basis.pdf (3.66 MB)
006 2010.09.26 Plans for interaction with the Tropical Legumes II project (TLII) and for seed increase on a country-by-country basis All countries N2Africa_Plans for interaction with the Tropical Legumes II project _TLII_ and for seed increase on a country-by-country basis.pdf (3.66 MB)
004 2010.09.27 Detailed country-by-country access plan for P and other agro-minerals All core countries N2Africa_Detailed country-by-country access plan for P and other agro-minerals_0.pdf (369.61 KB)